The horses are mean't to help in creating a species rich grassland, by firstly creating gaps in the existing grass sward with thier hooves and then munching down the grass to allow light to fall on the seeds that are in the gaps - which they need to germinate and develop into seedlings. The trouble is they need fencing in and there are floods about. So what do you do to safely keep them on the meadow? We have been watching the weather forecast and moving them to higher ground when there is a risk of flooding, trying to keep them munching down the grass for as long as possible. We've banged in every fence post a further 6 inches to make it more resilient to the power of the floodwaters and keep our temporary fencing together. Another problem to watch out for is that fresh grass can be harmful to horses in the autumn especially if the temperature fluctuates greatly between night and day. This is because sugars move into the base of the stem of the grass in the morning and if eaten in quantity can give a horse colic or lamenitis - both of which in extreme cases can be fatal. So lots to think about - mainly orientated around the weather!