Halford Flood Meadow Diary

April 2024

29 Apr 2024

Shake Rattle and Roll!

I have been patrolling the meadow for weeks now looking for signs of something other than grass and finally it looks like some of the seed mix we broadcast in September 2023 is coming through! Photographed is the first sign of yellow rattle which was in the mix and hasn't been seen in the meadow before. A group of five plants was spotted near to the spillway in the highest velocity overland flow area in the meadow! Considering the meadow has been inundated with water eleven times since sowing the seed it feels like a miracle has happened. So it seems rolling and treading in the seed has worked but will the meadow show the same signs in all the seeded areas? Watch this space.

by Mike Hopkins

17 Apr 2024

D'Arcy Spice and all things nice!

We managed to plant 26 heritage apple trees into two of the three planned orchard areas in the first few weeks of April. The rare apple tree species were supplied by the very knowledgeable and entertaining Andy Howard (pictured). Andy also came to the meadow to advise and demonstrate how to properly plant a fruit tree. Thanks also to family members and Alistair Elliot from the village for helping to plant the trees.

by Mike Hopkins