Halford Flood Meadow Diary

May 2023

11 May 2023

Biodiversity Units are now on sale to developers.

We are very pleased to announce that we have the Section 39 agreement signed between Warwickshire County Council and Storm Wildlife to manage Halford Flood Meadow as agreed for the next 30 years. This makes Halford Flood Meadow a Biodiversity Net Gain offset site and provides opportunities for developers to invest in Biodiversity Units (BU) to discharge their Biodiversity Net Gain planning conditions. Storm Wildlife have a solicitor ready to get transactions through, with the process taking approximately 4 weeks from engagement to sale. Buying BU at Halford Flood Meadow will give the developer the benefit of offsetting on a private site which employees can book for picnics/fishing/relaxing for the first few years after the transaction. Offsetting with Storm Wildlife also provides the website diary resource of the offset site, giving employees and residents of the development information, knowledge and a place to follow progress of their investment in nature.

Developers are welcome to reserve units in anticipation of their forthcoming needs and should call Mike Hopkins on 07919914834 to get a quote and find out more about discharging their BNG planning conditions.


by Mike Hopkins